Digital Cameras

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  • echostatic
    Sony M1 (previously the Sony P8). Gotta love the video, and the pictures are crisp and excellent!

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  • KyleC
    Originally posted by Jonathan
    :P Well I ended up scrapping enough funds (barely!) and got a
    $36 (after S&H) SanDisk 512MB CF card. So I only have $2 to
    last me for lunch...time to start packin' lunch instead of buyin LOL.
    Your going to love the camera, your going to learn so much. You get instant feedback from your photos and can learn so much more about exposure and composition since you can shoot unlimited photos without cost.

    have fun!


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  • Jonathan
    :P Well I ended up scrapping enough funds (barely!) and got a
    $36 (after S&H) SanDisk 512MB CF card. So I only have $2 to
    last me for lunch...time to start packin' lunch instead of buyin LOL.

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  • ChrisTech
    Originally posted by Jonathan
    Well since I didn't have a digital camera and been wanting a
    dReb (300D) or dReb XT (350D) I ended up getting a Digital Rebel XT (aka 350D)
    Pictures to come sometime around next week.. gotta wait itl I get
    paid before I can buy a CF card Anybody know of a place that beats
    NewEgg in pricing?

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  • Jonathan
    Well since I didn't have a digital camera and been wanting a
    dReb (300D) or dReb XT (350D) I ended up getting a Digital Rebel XT (aka 350D)
    Pictures to come sometime around next week.. gotta wait itl I get
    paid before I can buy a CF card Anybody know of a place that beats
    NewEgg in pricing?

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  • sdjl
    Very true

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  • KyleC
    Originally posted by Jonathan
    Kyle do you have any experience with the Nikon D50 and D70 models?
    From what I understand (not alot LOL) these are supposed to be
    their (Nikon's) answer to Canon's Digital Rebel (aka 300D) and Digital Rebel XT (aka 350D)

    I have used a d70 more than a few times, i like it allot, albeit it isnt as reponsive as a the higher end models. They are fine cameras. The flash metering on them is perfect.

    Originally posted by sdjl
    £3,500!! That's the price in the UK anyway! A little expensive! :-D

    Cost of doing business. Plus its allot of fun!

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  • sdjl
    Originally posted by KyleC
    Waiting a few more months before going with the new D2x, a little expensive now.
    £3,500!! That's the price in the UK anyway! A little expensive! :-D


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  • Jonathan
    Kyle do you have any experience with the Nikon D50 and D70 models?
    From what I understand (not alot LOL) these are supposed to be
    their (Nikon's) answer to Canon's Digital Rebel (aka 300D) and Digital Rebel XT (aka 350D)

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  • KyleC
    I have 2 Nikon D2h and 2 Fugi S2 cameras. Waiting a few more months before going with the new D2x, a little expensive now. I was looking at the Fugi S3 but the image quality and build quality isnt as good as the d2x. The nikons are also way more responsive.

    I am a sports photographer and also do weddings.
    Last edited by KyleC; 07-13-2005, 09:28 PM.

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  • ChrisTech
    Dug around, couldn't find my camera, finally found it (someone else decided to borrow it without asking, but couldnt figure out how to "get the pictures off it")

    I've got a Kodak EasyShare CX6330.


    Pretty handy for what I use it for. Pictures here and there, or if I see something interesting on the way to/from work.

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  • yllw98stng
    Rebel XT

    I just purchased the Rebel XT about 3 weeks ago and have used it as a secondary camera when i shoot weddings. So far I love it. I also have the 420EX Speedlight. The extra light is way better than the built in flash. The camera has very short shutter lag time.

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  • sdjl
    Originally posted by Jonathan
    You said you have a Canon Speedlite 420 EX - is the
    built-in flash no good then? Why need a external flash unit?
    I got an external flash as it's better for doing bounce flash photography and it's better at further distances
    I take photos for a band night which is in quite an exclosed space, which happens to be white. So in that situation, bouncing the flash is more suitable.

    The internal flash is perfectly respectable for basic flash needs though.


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  • Gmrx
    I'm using a Canon PowerShot A95 and I love it. It's an excellent camera.

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  • ChrisTech
    Ive got a kodak easyshare like 3730 or something like that. Dunno, its at home somewhere buried on my desk most likely.

    Not too bad. 3.1 megapixel. Enuff for what I do with it.

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